What We’re Listening To (September 21, 2019)

Marc Broussard – Whipping Post

This one is from the compilation, Big Band of Brothers: A Jazz Celebration of The Allman Brothers.

Liam Gallagher – Champagne Supernova

We don’t have a dog in the Liam Vs. Noel Gallagher fight, but we really like “Champagne Supernova.” Here, he performs the song in the BBC studios in promotion for his newly released record.

Red Rum Club – Kids Addicted

Their 2019 album, Matador, is already a terrific record from this high energy sextet from Liverpool. And, now, a cherry on the sundae is given us with this, their latest single.

Mystery Jets – Screwdriver

There is a lot of anticipation in the halls of Rock is the New Roll H.Q. for the new Mystery Jets album. Here is the first single to be released.